About Me

Front end development and Machine learning Enthusiast

  • I am an undergraduate student of the Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Amrita School of Engineering Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

  • I am a dedicated person aiming to achieve one’s objectives and continuously learning from my mistakes as quickly as possible. Seeking to leverage acquired academic knowledge and work experience to effectively fulfill the role.

  • Upholding a positive and hardworking attitude to contribute to work goals and take on more responsibility as quickly as possible as a member of your team. Thereby being a good team player and helping the team to grow and achieve its objectives together.

  • Other than coding I love Travelling, Fitness & helping others in the community. I am also a strong believer of Financial Independence & I have already started working on products that will make that happen.
  • Skills

    Take a look at some of the technologies I know.
    This is a list that I am continuously exploring and learning on a daily basis.


    A few projects that I have worked on.


    Facial Expression Recognition

    FER technique contains three steps: feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, and classification.



    It employs machine learning (ML) to infer 21 3D landmarks of a hand from just a single frame.


    Person and Car detection

    Implement car and person detection using the Haar Cascade classifier.


    Heart Disease Prediction

    The goal of this project is to go through the data science lifecycle steps in order to build a heart disease classification.

    View More Projects

    Certifications & Accomplishments

    Here are some of the Certifications that I have recieved.
    Below are some of the soft skills that I possess.


    School education

  • St. Vincent Pallotti School, 2004 – 2019
  • Board Exam Percentage: 86.34%

  • College education

  • Amrita School of Engineering, 2019 – 2023
  • Bachelor of Engineering /CGPA: 8.01
  • CodeChef 3star Rating
  • Certifications

  • Python data structures University of Michigan.
  • Convolution Neural Networks in Tensor Flow by DeepLearning.AI
  • Interactivity with JavaScript University of Michigan
  • Introduction to Tensor flow for AI,ML and Deep Learning by DeepLearning.AI
  • Web development Path Progate
  • Contact Me

    You can connect with me through mobile or writing a mail.



    Amrita School of Engineering Boys Hostel,
    Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
    Junnasandra, Karnataka 560035


    +91 897 - 109 - 2380


    Linkedin Profile

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